Inspired by our Purpose of Empowering Lives for Generations, we believe it is critical to define values and policies that guide our daily conduct and decision-making position.
Our purpose will only be fulfilled if our behaviors reflect our values. We want people to act in accordance with our values, purpose, and with integrity and respect for others.
We encourage a culture of open feedback and, therefore, we promote behaviors and provide communication channels so that any conflict can be resolved by an impartial committee.
We believe that the Code of Ethics and Conduct reflects our commitment to high standards of integrity and contributes to strengthening the MCA Group’s position as a reference organization for all its stakeholders. In this context, we have made an effort to improve the knowledge and train our employees on issues related to Ethics and Compliance.
It is intended for all employees, customers, suppliers, business partners and other third parties, hired by, or acting on behalf of, the MCA Group, in cases where they may be held liable for their acts, regardless of geography, position or business.
It integrates a set of principles and rules of an ethical and deontological nature, in alignment with the legislative reality and bearing in mind the standards and norms of behaviour that help to support decisions.
The Code should be interpreted in conjunction with existing policies, procedures and other internal documents – and addresses, among others, the following topics:
- People at the heart of our success: People’s Wellbeing, Health and Safety at Work, Non-discrimination and equal opportunities, Harassment and Human Rights.
- Relationship with Stakeholders: Relationship with business partners, suppliers and customers, Relationship of trust with corporate governance, Relationship with the community.
- Act with Integrity: Privacy and protection of personal data, Privileged and confidential information, Protection of assets, Conflict of interest, Corruption and bribery, Money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, Commercial offers, Social networks and external communication, Accounting accuracy and financial communications, Sanctions and trade embargoes.
Its composition shall be approved by resolution of the Board of Directors. It is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this Code, as well as for its compliance and for supporting the resolution of identified issues:
- Monitoring and clarifying doubts about the application of the Code and, in exceptional and duly justified cases, validating situations in its application.
- Prepares and processes information transmitted within the scope of the Irregularity Reporting Procedure, in force in the MCA Group and Related Companies.
- It promotes the training of employees in ethics and conduct.
The MCA Group’s Speak UP Channel is the global means of communication that allows the communication of suspected irregularities, whether to the Code of Ethics and Conduct, or to all other codes related to legal issues.